Friday 26 March 2010

Teachers & gifts

So this morning I was confronted by the news that apparently teachers are getting more and more extravagant gifts from their pupils, or rather the parents of their pupils. Some say blackmail, some say a nice thank you gesture, I say, where the bloody hell is mine? I'd love a Tiffany bracelet or £1000 in gift vouchers, though as I'm not actually a teacher maybe that's being a bit greedy. OK, I'll settle for £500 vouchers, hell, I do the hard work in the classroom anyway! But in reality what are we likely to get off the kids at my school? Nits, back chat or a black eye.

I'm not sure where all this giving teachers a gift came from, I don't remember doing it when I was a child but somewhere along the line someone decided we should be giving some sort of token to say thanks for all you've done. Now don't get me wrong, I think if your little cherub wants to say thank you, then it's a sign of good manners and you should be proud, but seriously, the use of daddy's holiday home in the Seychelles??? Bit much I think. 

As a parent I have been requested by my sons to purchase gifts for their favourite teachers and like all soft mothers I agreed. But they were little tokens that were thoughtfully chosen, rather than a whacking great rock from Harrods! It almost brings me on to the whole issue of why do we tip waiting staff and hairdressers? I know why it started but let's face it, hairdressers especially are no longer as hard done by as they may once have been.

Well all I can say is that in my year at the school where I work, I have received a few but lovely things from a very few students. Handmade cards from two of my lower achieving students and only this week, a bar of chocolate from one of the most challenging 15 year olds in the school.

Forget Mastercard.... working with students that have additional educational needs... priceless. 

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