Saturday 27 March 2010


Oh dear, I've done it again, upsetting people, well one person apparently. As we have discussed recently I'm not really one for sugar coating things, I like to say it as it is and would rather people did the same with me.

I am a fan of social networking sites when it comes to keeping in touch with people, I know it's lazy and I should pick up the phone, but lately the lethargic me has lost all interest and energy in the phone. So I am a frequent user of Facebook, having a nosey in to other people's lives and keeping up with all the gossip. It's also been a fantastic way of reconnecting with old school friends, I love looking at their pics and seeing how they've changed and if they have! 

So last night when I was at a bit of a loose end, my stalker was busy, I decided to check out some of my friends status. Someone had posted this comment along the lines of "I am woman hear me roar" and all that crap about being underpaid, overworked, blah blah, I'm a mum and of course one of her friends had dived straight in with the whole, oh woe is me, my husband left me for someone younger, prettier and now I'm left holding the baby.

Well, please, who could resist? It was like it had my name, inviting a comment, written all over it. So I did. Apparently she didn't like it and particularly the bit where I told her to suck it up and get on with her life, you know, your kid, your house, your job, your choice, get on with it and quit moaning. How funny when six paragraphs later I thought she'd finally finished I decided to stir the hornets nest a little more and told her if she didn't like it being commented on she shouldn't post all her personal life on the internet. 

I haven't had so much fun in ages, evil aren't I? Know what? I don't care. My private life is exactly that and even though I blog and comment on Facebook, I will still only reveal what I want people to know. I really wanted to send her a final message saying that I wasn't surprised her husband had left her, moany old cow...

So a word of warning readers, beware what you write, if you don't want people to comment then send it privately, you never know if I'll be reading!

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