Monday 15 March 2010


Well, Monday has come around once again and is now almost at an end. People seem to dread this day, I'm guessing the people that don't work weekends, but is it really any different to all of the other days of the week in it's ability to make us miserable?

I love my weekends, though to call the weekend "mine" isn't strictly true. I tend to be a general taxi service for Master Grumpy and his sporting fixtures, chief cook, clothes washer and ironing expert for all the household and sometimes dog sitter for my brother. Regarding the dog sitting, I actually get the better end of the deal, as my brother has to have Master Grumpy at the football match for 2 hours!

So, my weekends are rather hectic and as my body clock is so finely tuned for the other five days of the week, I usually find myself wide awake at 6.30am on a Saturday and Sunday morning too. Somehow though I find myself  up and about and throwing myself in to the day, so for me it's actually no different to any other day. Why then, when I arrive at work on Monday morning am I met by a sea of miserable faces? Come to think of it, why am I met by miserable faces on all of the other days of the week too? Let me add at this point that I'm talking about the staff!

I walked in to the office, smiling and offered a cheery hello to my colleagues only to be met with misery, gloom and doubts surrounding my sanity or sobriety.... Why oh why are these people working in these jobs if they're truly that miserable? I know work isn't easy to come by, but I can honestly say that if I was that miserable I'd be busy looking for something else.

Well, I love my job and yes, do occasionally have the odd bad lesson, but on the whole I am very happy in my work and so will continue to turn up to school with a smile and a happy disposition, if for no other reason than to annoy the miserable gits I work with!

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