Friday 19 March 2010

Advice & Knowledge

Lately I've been feeling a little under the weather, I don't want to say ill as I don't think I have a real illness, just not my usual self. I can still get up in the morning, get myself and the others in the house motivated, fed and watered and off in whichever direction they need to be pointed. I still get to work with a smile on my face, make it through the day, make it home, cook, act as taxi service, mother, wife, lover.... (I can hear Mr Grumpy tutting at that last one and making some sarcastic comment) 

So what's the problem? Well, about 5 weeks ago I came down with a little cold, I don't usually suffer with them and to be fair it didn't last long and certainly didn't stop me doing anything I needed to. But I appear to have been left completely run down, no energy to be sociable and a most annoying little cough. This is the point where if I was listening to a family member or friend I'd be advising them to get to the doctor for a check up and I have actually told myself that this is what I should do. Unfortunately I'm very good at handing out advice but not very good at taking it when it applies to myself. I know that at New Year my blood count was a little low as the blood people tested me before I donated and wouldn't let me, so like a good girl I started taking a supplement but all it did was induce migraines. Blimey, I sound like a real hypo! 

Anyway, somebody told me a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, never really understood that, I would have thought it's more dangerous if you have no knowledge? Back to my cough, I have been told that it's one of the early warning signs of a rather nasty disease, bonkers aren't I? I guess that's the dangerous, little bit of knowledge my friends have warned me about.... So, I'll probably just keep plodding on til one of two things happen, I get better or I die, either way, sorry if I make you miserable in my misery but haven't got the energy to be jolly 24/7 as you can see I'm far too busy doing all those other things!

1 comment:

  1. You are SO like your mother - do you have a medical dictionary?
