Thursday 1 April 2010


And so it begins... I know that it's probably not officially Easter until tomorrow but I can't control the ramblings in my head, as you may have noticed.

So yet another religious celebration that so many of us take part in when we aren't actually religious at all, don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, three weeks off work is very nice thank you very much! I'm not too fussed over chocolate either, please take note Mr Grumpy, would prefer Doritos. I can say this without fear of us not having to worry about what the Easter bunny may or may not bring as both the boys already have three eggs each. Most of this I would hazard a guess, will end up in Mr Grumpy and not the children. 

So what does Easter mean to you? To me it means the God Squad are out in the streets again, chocolate eggs and wrappers all over Master Musical and Master Grumpy's bedroom floors, the traffic on the road between here and the coast will be horrendous, even if it is pouring with rain. The queues in Sainsburys will be ridiculously long because all the loonies of this city don't think that they can manage with the shops being closed for one whole day. Suddenly there are very expensive turkeys for sale where normally it would be a chicken but the best bit will be fish and chips for tea on Friday. 

I'm not grumpy, I love spending time with my family and it's nice that we'll have this extra time to enjoy each others company, oh alright, by Sunday lunch we'll be screaming at each other over whose parents we're going to visit, shouting at chocolate, coma induced children about the mess they're making and are they going to get dressed today, but the most annoying thing about Easter for me will be yet again trying to work out.... What the hell is Urbi et Orbi???

Happy Easter!

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