Friday 16 April 2010

Music V Age

I'm pretty sure that I've talked about music before but as my mind gets ever hazier and I get too lazy to look back over old blogs I'm just going to talk about it anyway!

For as long as I can remember I have been surrounded by music, granted, not always mine or in fact anyone's taste, but music nonetheless. One of my earliest musical memories was a song played at my paternal grandparents called "I see the moon" and the version they had was by The Stargazers on an old 78rpm. Anyone under the age of say, 30? may need to ask a grown up what a 78 is, just ask about LP's or vinyl. 

As I grew so did my record collection and Suzie would be proud to know that one of my earliest vinyl 45's was a Womble song, "Remember you're a Womble" I think. I then progressed on to The Osmonds and The Bay City Rollers, I know, some people will say you can't love both but I did. Live with it. There were a few of those Top of the Pops albums along the way, sung by nobody's, a bit like the equivalent of Now That's What I Call Music but not by the original artists. 

Skip forward a few years, missing out the parent enforced country and western and Showaddwaddy... saw them live... aahem, sorry minor slip there... and suddenly I was in the world of punk rock. Again, enforced by the youngest of my three brothers, it was played all the time and very loudly and with lots of shouting, swearing and angst. This was at a time when I was made to walk to school with said brother and his friends, all of whom were very scary yet very attractive to me. They had that look that said "I'm sticking two fingers up to you, what you gonna do about it?" But really, nice nice people.

So let's fast forward to now, my musical taste has seen the coming and going of Mods, Ska, Punk, Northern Soul, RnB (sorry) soft rock, and most recently heavy metal, hard rock and strangely Punk. I refuse to apologise for the stuff I've loved and still do, like Go West who I happen to be going to see with my lovely blonde friend D tomorrow night, thanks D! And then who'd believe that next week I'm going with Master Musical to watch a proper punk band who just happen to have a member of the band who was one of those very nice nice people from 100 years ago.

I shall reserve judgement til I hear them play, though I have no doubt I'll come home with a CD and a T shirt, The Black Marias that is not Go West, but never let it be said that you're too old for what music you like. It is now me that's sticking two fingers up to everyone, I'll go where I want, to see who I want and who's going to stop me??? Oooooh, is that Anarchy?

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