Friday 10 December 2010

Counting Down

Well here I am again, I think. My eyes are asking what the hell I'm doing up and typing at 6.45am on a Saturday morning, well my little brown friends, had you stayed closed and allowed me more sleep, we wouldn't be in this situation, would we?

It's been a rather interesting year for me and I have found myself wanting to blog on many occasions but have always changed my mind at the last minute. We all know how people like to live their personal lives out on Facebook and yes, at times I may have been guilty of that, but I really didn't want to start pouring my heart out on here.

So, before I start burbling about something totally different to what I had intended, I want to talk about the C word. Happily of course I mean Christmas and all the joys that come with it. Here we are, just 2 weeks away from the big day and how prepared am I? Let's say, not very. I know it'll all get done, the cards, the pressies, the food shopping and most importantly, getting the booze in, but right now I don't really feel in the mood.
I'm not a bah humbug type person, in fact I'm quite the opposite! I saw something on the television about how lucky children are these days, what they expect to get and the fact that they usually get what they want and far too much on top of that. Some miserable old git was giving some youngsters presents to share, presents that represented what they would have got maybe 30 or more years ago.... a tangerine and a yo yo. Well guess what misery guts? Times move on and thank goodness for that! I'm not saying my Christmas memories as a child are bad ones, far from it. I remember getting fruit in my sock at the end of the bed... bloody uncomfortable when you put your foot in it... but I also remember getting a dolls house, tiny tears, Penny puppy walker, Spirotot and one year my favourite ever present, a Hornby train set!
Now our parents weren't loaded with money, in fact quite the opposite, but I bet in order for them to buy all 4 of us the presents they knew we so desired, they had to save like mad and I'm sure the looks on our faces made it all worthwhile. For me it's exactly the same, I know that now my boys are bigger it's less about toys but it's still worth all the depriving yourself of the odd treat just to give them the very things that make them happy.

Oh yeah, while I'm on a roll, Christmas isn't just for kids either so please don't say it is! I love Christmas, hoping for that special present that I haven't even talked about or hinted at, wondering if anyone's mind reading skills have been working and I get a little something that I fancy. I know, highly unlikely but I can dream as I open another set of smellies or wash bag from the same person every year.... oh my goodness, do I smell?

I guess the point I'm trying to make on this dark and dreary morning is, let's just enjoy ourselves. let's all do what we want to do, not be told by others how we should be enjoying ourselves, how we should be spending our money and in fact, even if you don't want to be happy, then bloody well don't be. It's your day too!

1 comment:

  1. yes, yes yes - everyone be what they want to be, does that mean I can officially be miserable?
