Sunday 12 December 2010

Free time

Once again Sunday morning is here and the toll of the bell signifying the end of another weekend. I love my job and really wouldn't want to do anything else, well apart from early retirement maybe, but why do the weekends have to go so quickly and the weekdays considerably slower?
Of course this week wasn't too bad, I was only in for two days and then off sick for three, believe me when I say I'd rather have been in work.

So, Saturday morning arrived and although I was still a little weary from all the coughing, I felt well enough to venture out. What oh what should I do with this freedom I had? No football training as Master Grumpy was still coughing like someone that's been smoking forty woodbine a day for the last twenty years, so the day was mine!
Obviously we all know where I ended up, Sainsburys. I won't go in to the joys of trying to find a parking space, or getting the right trolley, you know, one without the wheel that whizzes around like a demented spinning top as you push it. I'll even skip over the old people that I thought were banned from shopping on weekends, why do they still do that? Let's face it, when you no longer have to go to work and can sit around all day every day, why would you wait til the weekend to do your grocery shopping? There should be a law against them being out at weekends, I'll gladly let them have any day of the week they want, I'll stay away, besides don't they all get their food delivered from that nice Wiltshire man?

I digress. Shopping done, I made it back home and what do you think I did with the rest of my freedom? Collapsed in front of the computer and spent most of the day laughing at funny film clips, precocious children and some favourite music that I'd forgotten existed. Along with my mobile phone, I sometimes wonder how I coped pre computer, I know the older more cynical readers out there will be huffing and puffing about how I should get out more, not a good example to my children, blah blah blah. But guess what? I don't care. I laughed so hard I almost choked from coughing, I had a little tear at one point remembering a song that meant a lot to me a long time ago and through the wonders of the web was able to share them with some of my nearest and dearest.

So it wasn't the most exciting Saturday on record, although I did pop out later in the afternoon and almost ended up tagged on to the end of the EDL march in town, but it was a lovely, relaxing day and sometimes the best times are when you do nothing of any great use at all.

Have a relaxing Sunday and if you feel like doing bugger all, then do it!

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