Friday 13 April 2012

Spring Clean

Well hello again, I think, is anybody there? I realised that apart from my one off Summer special last year, it is actually almost a year since I last rambled.
Much has happened in the last 12 months, most of which I'm sure you know about, but for those that don't, tough, you probably wouldn't really be interested anyway!

So what prompted me to start again you may wonder? Well I'm not too sure, other than I can't seem to sleep at the moment, my mind is full of thoughts and so I figured that if I wrote some of them down I might at least start getting some kip at night!

Firstly I must update the names of the players in my life, Master Musical is now doing quite well for himself and so I guess can be upgraded to Mr Musical, that and the fact that he is actually an adult after all! Master Grumpy still has the odd blip of grumpiness but has earned the title of Master Sporty, I am very proud of all his sporting achievements, long may they continue. As for Mr Grumpy, well, a bit like the relationship Emily had with Bagpuss, he's still grumpy, saggy and a bit loose at the seams, but I love him.

So with Easter passing and all things Spring like happening, I came to wonder why we Spring clean? Let's face it, we don't only clean in Spring do we? Especially not in this house, Mr Grumpy and his OCD means that he's always attacking anything that sits still long enough, with a duster or a toothbrush and a dab of limelite or bleach!

So the Spring clean of my type began this week, clearing out my knicker drawer. I have to admit that the drawer had got to a state of fullness beyond compare, bit like my knickers at times... Anyway, it couldn't be avoided any longer, a good thinning out was needed and a morning alone seemed the perfect opportunity to attack the beast beside my bed.
As I plonked them all on the floor, I was amazed at what I found, knickers from maybe 23 years ago sat there looking at me, asking me why? Why did you buy us and never wear us? I'm beginning to wonder why myself! Some of the most, (ha, I actually did a typo there and put moist, changed it) ridiculous pieces of undergarments I have ever seen in my life! How did I ever think anything that frilly, that lacy, that loose, that tight or with that written on it would ever look good on my lower, nether regions?
The only positive thing that I did gain from the clear out, other than more drawer space, was that I'm actually still wearing the same size undies as I was all those years ago, yep, always had a big arse then!

So what had driven me to save these pieces of apparel for all of these years? Who knows, an aversion to tidying? Clinging on to the past and the memories of those undies? Something to throw on the stage when very excited at a gig? No, I think it was maybe the fear of them being discovered in my wheelie bin and being put on a teddy that you see pinned to the front of the bin lorry, a big sign on the front saying, "Thanks Lady at Number 8!"

Happy Friday everybody!

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