Saturday 7 November 2009

The moral of the story...

Moral - of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behaviour

I thought I’d add the correct definition of this word before I started, just to help with my blog, not that I think you really need it....

Are having morals a good thing I wonder? It seems that recently some of my family and I are being tested on this matter, obviously not by someone on high but I suspect some evil person here on earth watching us, hoping that we’ll slip up and not do the right thing. 

Some weeks ago my brother went to withdraw some money from the hole in the wall and guess what? What can only be described as a miracle, or an idiot with no brain, there hanging out of the machine was a large amount of cash. My brother calmly, I’m assuming, though knowing him it was actually a case of jumping, whooping and running to the wine aisle in Sainsburys.... no, sorry, calmly took the money and went home. He was very honest about what had happened, in fact he even made it his status on Facebook, because his head told him it was easy money, run and keep quiet but his heart and morals told him, it isn’t yours you should hand it in to the bank. Are you asking yourself what you would do? I did, and it’s a real toughy. But of course he did the right thing and handed it back in at the bank, where it was rightfully claimed by the dizzy blonde that had left in the first place, and thankfully she did send him a small reward for his honesty.

Two days ago I received a most unusual e-mail, telling me that my remittance advice for my childcare vouchers had been posted and I could view my account at my leisure. The odd thing is, the company that I had this account with was closed 2 years ago when I stopped minding a particular monster child. Now as I actually get rather a lot of spam mail I decided to ignore it, but luckily didn’t delete it. Mr Grumpy came in yesterday and had been checking our account on line, as he does, and saw that rather a large amount of money had been paid in to our account by the afore mentioned company. Now the dilemma was ours, of course without any hesitation he decided we needed to call them and tell them of their mistake.... I was still thinking.

But he was right and I made the call telling them that I thought there must be an error, the young lady was lovely and polite but alas not too helpful. She said she has no way of finding out where the money has come from and whether I should have it or not. I know it’s not mine but I don’t see why I should do their job for them, so to keep a clear conscience and staying within my own code of ethics and morals, I shall put the money to one side just in case in 6 months they realise their error and come looking for the cash.

Not very exciting I’m afraid but I do hope it makes you think about what you would do. 

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